Marketplace Players (MPP)

Marketplace Players, an amateur theatre company, was formed in 2008 by Brett Buckingham and Denis Thornton, two friends who had been involved in theatre at the University of Winnipeg back in the 1960’s. The very first performance by the company was at the 2009 Winnipeg Fringe Festival where they performed “Eddie Recalled”… a play written by Denis Thornton and co-directed with Brett Buckingham. The play was so well received that Denis continued to write shows that the two of them continued to produce until 2020 when Brett moved out of province to be closer to family.

Evelyn Carruthers, involved with the company since early 2013, was asked to assist after Brett left.

In 2022, Denis passed away.

Marketplace Players lives on to preserve his legacy and showcase his work.

Contact Information: Facebook page & email: